

To my blush colored safe haven. This wonderful site embodies all the parts of who I am. a Chef, a creative and most importantly a woman with a hunger and passion to cook, spread love and occasionally write a thing or two. Thank you for stopping by! Enjoy

With love, always

Ashley| RR

Simple Pasta Carbonara

Simple Pasta Carbonara

Spaghetti Carbonara is one of those dishes that is quite simple to make, but if done wrong, you may just offend someone.


When it comes to spaghetti carbo I like to keep it fairly simple. I’m more concerned about bringing out the important flavors that make the dish. Such as the bacon fat, the creamy egg sauce and the pepper! never skip the pepper. Its important to keep the pasta al dente, and it’s crucial not to over cook the egg sauce, we’re here to make a rich pasta dish, not scrambled eggs. Most importantly if you can, spend just a little extra money on a really good Pecorino cheese to freshly grade over the top. This dish is a classic and definitely worth the few extra calories.


Prep Time: 30min Cook Time: 30min

Yeilds 4-6 servings



  • About half a box of spaghetti pasta

  • 8 large egg yolks

  • 1/4 cup frozen green peas (optional)

  • Course ground black pepper to taste (the more the better)

  • 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese

  • 1/4 Pecorino Romano

  • 1 Tablespoon of olive oil

  • 1/2 cup Bacon, Pancetta, or Guanciale

Directions :

  • Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. (reserve some of the water after the pasta is cooked. )

  • In a bowl whisk together the egg yolks, parmesan cheese and Pecorino.

  • Meanwhile in a separate pan bring the olive oil up to a medium heat and begin to render the pork until it becomes golden brown and crispy. Remove from the heat and set aside.

  • At this point pasta should be al dente and ready to be strained.

  • At a very low heat add in the egg yolk mixture moving it constantly preventing the sauce from over cooking, add the frozen peas, combine to hot pasta, adding pasta water if needed. The sauce should be well combined and creamy.

  • Finish with freshly grated Pecorino and fresh ground pepper.

  • Serve immediately and enjoy!

A Brunch Worthy Avocado Toast

A Brunch Worthy Avocado Toast

 Potato Gnocchi

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