

To my blush colored safe haven. This wonderful site embodies all the parts of who I am. a Chef, a creative and most importantly a woman with a hunger and passion to cook, spread love and occasionally write a thing or two. Thank you for stopping by! Enjoy

With love, always

Ashley| RR

Lily's Famous Arroz con Pollo

Lily's Famous Arroz con Pollo

Arroz con Pollo or Yellow Rice and Chicken is huge in the Latin America. In my family I pretty much grew up eating this at every social gathering.


My mom (Lily) would make Arroz con Pollo as a treat. If it was someone’s birthday you get Arroz con Pollo!, If there was a baby shower, you get Arroz con Pollo!, a wedding, a church event, a graduation, always Yellow Rice and Chicken. When I say its a staple in my family I mean it. Although it may vary from house hold to house hold how a “typical Arroz con Pollo” is made has one thing in common its stinking good! Different countries may add raisins or use bacon fat to intensify flavors, my mom kept it flavorful yet simple. Unlike her recipe I decided to add olives because its a staple and I’m obsessed with them. Feel free to opt out or add anything you like, and when we’re allowed to be social again, don’t forget to bring a pan of Arroz con Pollo to the next gathering.


Prep Time: 20 min Cook Time: 40 min

Yeilds 4-6 servings

Ingredients :

  • 4 oz green bell Peppers (small diced)

  • 4 oz red ell Peppers (small diced)

  • 6 oz Yellow Onion (small diced)

  • 4 Garlic Cloves (minced)

  • 1 bunch fresh Cilantro

  • 4 Tbl Olive oil

  • 6 oz diced Tomatoes

  • 1 lb of lean Chicken thigh

  • 2 cups of Vigo* brand Yellow Rice

  • 1 cup of frozen vegetable melody

  • 1 Tbl kosher salt

  • 1 Tbl ground cumin

  • 1 Tbl achiote seasoning

  • 1 Tbl garlic powder

  • pinch of chili flakes

  • 1/2 chicken bullion cube

  • 8 green stuffed olives

  • 1 cup Chicken Stock

  • 2 1/2 cups of water


  1. Start by brining a medium deep pot to a medium high heat. add the olive oil.

  2. When the oil is hot add the peppers, onion, garlic, fresh cilantro and diced tomatoes. Stir constantly until the vegetables become translucent.

  3. In the meantime cut chicken thighs to smaller more consistent pieces. Season with the spices.

  4. Once the vegetables are somewhat cooked add in the chicken letting it brown on the sides slightly. Add the 1 cup of chicken stock, let reduce by half.

  5. Now add the yellow rice stir once, and then add the remaining 2 cups of water.

  6. let the rice boil for about five minutes and bring down to a medium heat until the water begins to dry (about 12 min). wait to see small bubbles forming on top.

  7. At this point the rice should be cooked half way, lower the heat to medium low and add in the frozen vegetables and olives, stir twice and let be until full cooked (about 12-15 min)

  8. At this point adjust seasoning if needed.

  9. The rice should be slightly moist, fully cooked and able to see separate grains

  10. Shred a few of the bigger chicken pieces, Finish with fresh cilantro! Enjoy

Coconut Curry with Lamb & Garbanzo Beans

Coconut Curry with Lamb & Garbanzo Beans

Ashley's Spicy Chicken Sandwich

Ashley's Spicy Chicken Sandwich