

To my blush colored safe haven. This wonderful site embodies all the parts of who I am. a Chef, a creative and most importantly a woman with a hunger and passion to cook, spread love and occasionally write a thing or two. Thank you for stopping by! Enjoy

With love, always

Ashley| RR

Coconut Curry with Lamb & Garbanzo Beans

Coconut Curry with Lamb & Garbanzo Beans

As a disclaimer, don’t be upset with the amount of ingredients that go into this curry dish. To some it may be overwhelming but trust me the hardest part is gathering it all. Any good curry takes really great ingredients, a little more time and love.

This recipe is a combination of two of my favorite things, Curry and Lamb. This dish has a mix of both Caribbean and South Asian flavors which I think go great together. I wouldn’t go as far as saying its authentic in any way but its really close. The flavor is there, the depth of spice is there and most importantly there really is no way of messing this up, (besides burning the bottom) lets not do that! The importance here is to take the time to develop the flavors and spices that go into this “oh so good coconut curry.” luckily, I’ve had my fair share of curry in the last few years , good flavorful curry, mediocre curry and just plain bland coconut cream on a plate kind of curry. This one in particular is on my top 5 of the best I’ve had. Take the time to enjoy the process of making this dish, you wont regret it!


Prep Time: 30 min Cook Time: 60 min

Yields 6-8 Servings

Ingredients :

  1. 3 oz peeled Ginger

  2. 2 oz Peeled Garlic

  3. 3 oz canned chickpeas

  4. 1 lb lean ground Lamb

  5. 4 oz vegetable oil

  6. 4 oz Clarified butter

  7. 6 0z chopped White Onion

  8. 1/4 cup Cumin seeds

  9. 1 Tbl Kosher salt

  10. 1 cup Jamaican Curry powder

  11. 2 tsp chili flakes

  12. 1 Tbl Turmeric

  13. 1/4 cup ground coriander

  14. 1 oz lemon juice

  15. 1/4 cup brown sugar

  16. 1 bay leaf

  17. 2 cinnamon sticks

  18. 8 oz diced tomatoes

  19. 4 springs thyme

  20. 2 cups water

  21. 3 1/2 cups Coconut Cream


  • Start by placing the vegetable oil, Garlic and Ginger into a blender, blend until a thick paste is formed.

  • Bring a big pot to a medium high heat, place the ground lamb with a pinch of salt and begin to cook until lightly brown.

  • Next add the thick paste mixture with the diced white onions, the clarified butter and begin to sweat until the onions become translucent and the mixture becomes fragrant. (about 15 min)

  • Once the onions are almost cooked, lower the heat to medium and begin adding all of the spices listed above and start to cook out the flavors. It is important to watch the spices and constantly stir them as they burn very easily. (cook spices for about 15 min)

  • After about 10 min of stirring, add in the diced tomatoes, bay leaf and thyme springs. Cook and stir for about (15 min)

  • At this point the aroma of the curry sauce and lamb should be filling the room, add in the 2 cups of water and the canned chickpeas, cook on a low simmer for about (10 mins)

  • Lastly add in the coconut cream stirring it to incorporate well, cook 5 mins and remove from the heat.

  • Finish with fresh cilantro. Serve over white rice, lentils or simply with naan bread. Enjoy!

End of Summer Peach and Ricotta Salad

End of Summer Peach and Ricotta Salad

Lily's Famous Arroz con Pollo

Lily's Famous Arroz con Pollo