

To my blush colored safe haven. This wonderful site embodies all the parts of who I am. a Chef, a creative and most importantly a woman with a hunger and passion to cook, spread love and occasionally write a thing or two. Thank you for stopping by! Enjoy

With love, always

Ashley| RR

5  Tips to Surviving Isolation

5 Tips to Surviving Isolation

Face masks, standing six feet apart, travel bans, self isolation. This isn't exactly what we pictured coming into this new year. So many of us feeling anxious and unclear of what’s next. Doing these five simple things has helped me stay sane in this time of such uncertainty.

I moved to New York City with such high hopes and expectations of where my career would go next. I had spent years planning and saving for the moment that I would be able to finally take my career to the next step. I was excelling in my plans. I started a great job and I was making friends. I was finally starting to get into the grove of it all and adapting to this fast pace city was become second nature.

Like many of us I had to put a pin on all the plans I had created for myself. I was now in self isolation, miles away from my family, friends and I wasn’t able to leave my apartment, if you’ve been to New York you know there isn’t much space to work with in my small Manhattan Apt. After a few days of self loathing I snapped myself out of it and started creating little habits for the days when I felt bummed.


    Prior to self isolation, I lived a pretty active life. If I wasn’t running for fun I was running to work, to a train, to visit a friend. The point is I was always on the go. I found it very hard to not be able to do that anymore and have to spend most of my time inactive at home. I quickly learned I had to keep moving in order to not lose my mind. So go for a walk, Put on a workout video, or do some morning yoga. You will quickly see the difference in your day as you do these things more often.


    I think the best thing we have gotten from all of this, is all the free time we didn’t have before. We now have more time to bake banana bread, and watch endless hours of sit coms and documentaries, but I think its important to devote some of that free time to ourselves. We have more time to take baths and create skin care routines, maybe even apply a hair mask, so do just that, give yourself a little more love than you normally would.



Read that book you started a year ago. I know I have so many books that I haven’t had the chance to get into. I’ve now been able to finally finish a few and read into more of my cook books. One of my favorites has been Wine Simple’ which has really helped me learn more about wine and the process of it all. I find myself looking out for a the notes I’ve taken each time I try a new wine. So in a way I have taught myself something new and I’ve been able to do it drinking which is always a good time.


As a chef its hard to balance my time and all the “girly” things I would normally like to do. I have found so much joy in being able to paint my nails. Before become a chef I would change my nail color almost everyday, I had forgotten what it was like. Now, I look forward to just sitting with a glass of wine picking out wat color to paint my nails next. Think of something you wouldn’t normally do and just do it, live in the moment while it last.


I’m really not the kind of person to stay in touch, honestly ask my friends. I typically respond to a txt or call three days later! But as I’ve spent more time alone I’ve realized the importance of staying in touch and connecting with others. It’s crucial for my mental health. I facetime my loved ones, I call more often and I interact with the people I miss and love most. Of all the tips, this one is the most important. Keep in touch.

5 Food Safety Rulers to Follow

5 Food Safety Rulers to Follow