

To my blush colored safe haven. This wonderful site embodies all the parts of who I am. a Chef, a creative and most importantly a woman with a hunger and passion to cook, spread love and occasionally write a thing or two. Thank you for stopping by! Enjoy

With love, always

Ashley| RR

5 Food Safety Rulers to Follow

5 Food Safety Rulers to Follow

Cooking is all fun and games until what you have put so much love and care into gets someone sick. The very first thing you are taught in culinary school is how to handle food, how to avoid getting sick and how to store food properly so that you get the most out of what you’re creating.


1. Never Cross Contaminate!

Say it louder for the people in the back! Cross contamination is one of the main reasons why food can cause someone to get sick. To be safe make sure to always use different cutting boards when working with meats and vegetables. Clean your board and utensils after every use.

2. Avoid Undercooking Meat and Poultry

There are exceptions to this rule when it comes to good quality meat and the kind of meat you’re cooking.

There is absolutely no reason why you should not fully cook chicken or poultry to its required internal temperature. The best way to know if your meat is cooked to the recommended temperature I suggest buying a meat thermometer. Here’s a guide to what the internal temperatures of some meats are.

  • Fish: cook to at least 145°F

  • Beef, veal, or lamb (as steaks or roasts): cook to at least 145°F

  • Pork or ground beef: cook to at least 160°F

  • Poultry, including chicken and turkey: cook to at least 165°F

3. Refrigerate Quickly

Its important to keep your refrigerator at a temperature of 40 degrees or below. There is a two hour window to bring food down to 70 degrees before it starts to create bacteria and becomes hazardous. Thaw out frozen food properly in the refrigerator or in ice water.

4. Wash Your Veggies

Whether they are organic or not always wash your veggies. We’ve all seen that woman in the grocery store that picks up thirteen avocados before she finally choses one, well she’s only one of many people picking and choosing avocados. Not only can veggies have people germs but many of the farms where they come from recommend washing produce before any use, they go through a lot before getting to you.

5. Always Wash Your Hands

This one is pretty self explanatory right? You’d be surprised. I think the best way to show people you care for them is to want the best experience for them when they are enjoying a meal. Be courteous and wash your hands often when cooking for others, they’ll appreciate it.

Cooking is such a rewarding act of love, its an incredible feeling to see how others enjoy what you have created for them. I hope these rules are easy to follow and help in making every dinner experience you create a successful one.

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