

To my blush colored safe haven. This wonderful site embodies all the parts of who I am. a Chef, a creative and most importantly a woman with a hunger and passion to cook, spread love and occasionally write a thing or two. Thank you for stopping by! Enjoy

With love, always

Ashley| RR

End of Summer Peach and Ricotta Salad

End of Summer Peach and Ricotta Salad

I like to think that the best part of summer is the combination of the sun and the salads. This salad is perfect with a thick cut grilled pork chop or a medium rare Ribeye steak. Imagine that, all while sitting under the sun with a refreshing drink in hand.


Grilled peaches are a staple to combine with different kinds of proteins in the summer. The sweetness of the peaches with the charred flavors of the grill make for the perfect pairing of two under the sun must haves. The flavors in this salad balance each other out quite perfectly. You’ll taste a little of that bitterness, some of that sweetness from the peaches and the acidic punch the dressing has is mellowed out flawlessly with the creaminess of the ricotta cheese. End the summer right, try out this “unicorn” like combination of flavors. Let me know what you think!


Don’t skip on the basil, you won’t want to miss out on the freshness this brings to the dish.

Prep Time: 15 min
Cook Time: 10 min


  • 5 ripe Peaches (cut in halves)

  • 6 oz ricotta cheese

  • 5-8 basil leaves

  • 2oz olive oil

  • 2oz balsamic vinegar

  • 2 Tbl honey

  • 1 shallot (very small diced)

  • 1 pinch Aleppo pepper or chili flakes

  • 1 Tbl kosher salt

  • Fresh black pepper tt.


  1. Start by heating up your grill. (If you don’t have a grill feel free to use the broiler in the oven for a similar effect.)

  2. In a bowl cut the peaches in halves and drizzle a light coat of olive oil, season with salt and pepper.

  3. While the grill is heating up make the vinaigrette. Combine in a separate bowl the shallots, balsamic vinegar, honey, chili flakes, salt and pepper. Whisk heavily combining all the ingredients making a broken vinaigrette.

  4. By now the grill should be hot, place the peaches face down to get charred grill marks. leave and flip after about 3 min. Set aside to cool when done.

  5. Cut the peaches into smaller pieces and toss into the balsamic vinaigrette.

  6. With your hands rip to pieces half of the basil leaves combining to the peach and balsamic mixture. (Use remaining leaves for garnish)

  7. Before plating season the ricotta cheese with a pinch of salt and pepper.

  8. Place the ricotta on the plate and spoon the peaches and vinaigrette right on top.

  9. Garnish with more basil leaves, a pinch of chili flakes and Enjoy!

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