

To my blush colored safe haven. This wonderful site embodies all the parts of who I am. a Chef, a creative and most importantly a woman with a hunger and passion to cook, spread love and occasionally write a thing or two. Thank you for stopping by! Enjoy

With love, always

Ashley| RR

How to Make Fresh Cavatelli Pasta Dough

How to Make Fresh Cavatelli Pasta Dough

Cavatelli pasta is one of the easier fresh pastas to make. It requires very few ingredients and no actual pasta machine is necessary. It’s small ridges holds any sauce perfectly and it allows you to get every single flavor in every bite.

With no machine required this pasta is easy to make, knead and freeze for future use. This was one of the very first fresh pastas that I learned to make when I first stared working in restaurants and hotels. Upon doing some research on what an authentic recipe is, I found that in most places in Italy this pasta doesn’t actually require egg in it. I tested out a few different batches and found that the recipe I have come up with seems to work best with the actual outcome that I am looking for. Making fresh pasta can be so therapeutic and relaxing. In my opinion a dish is way more unique when the pasta is made fresh, it taste a lot better and it gives you all the bragging rights with all your friends and family.


Caputo or 00 Flour is the way to go when making fresh pasta. It’s less dense and gives the pasta that light fluffy feel.


There’s something about creating something from your own hands and seeing how satisfying it is to others. It brings me happiness, like true, pure happiness.

Prep Time: 20 min Cook Time: 5min

Yields 2-4 Servings


  • 1 cup Caputo Flour

  • 1/2 cup Ricotta cheese

  • 1 egg yolk

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 2 Tablespoons of water


  1. Begin by creating a well with the flour and salt, leaving a hole in the middle for the ricotta cheese, egg yolk and water.

  2. With a bench scrapper slowly incorporate all the ingredients until properly combined.

  3. Slowly and gently begin to knead the dough until it is full incorporated and has a bouncy consistency.

  4. Begin to shape the pasta laying out on a sheet tray to dry. Freeze in a container for future use.

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